Went for a facial today (omg ezhen so much to do and you still have got time for facials?! Yes, yes I do. I know I won't be productive anyway lol bloody portraits) cos my Mom wanted to
One reason why I don't like to go for facials is because you have to take off your shirt and wear this weird elastic-y tube robe thing.
When you're waiting for the aesthatetician aesthetician (I had to Google that) and you're just lying there with this blanket over you in a dimly lit room with instrumental music playing in the background.....I felt like I was being prepared for sex
Then she starts massaging my face, neck and shoulders oh my god it was so ticklish and I had to control myself cos not only is it awkward to giggle while someone is giving you a fucking oil massage but it might obstruct her work or something so my face was like :|
After that horrific experience, she starts giving the actual facial and telling me what it was and all that jazz and asking me all these questions (assuming to get to know my skin more......I found out I have freckles which will turn into pigmentation ugh I'm old) and I know she's struggling to speak English cos I stupidly only ticked English instead of that plus Chinese and argh I didn't want to keep going "huh" so I just nodded and um-ahed a lot
Anyway, long story short: my face is tender and even more sensitive than it already was (cos duh. The gunk just got removed so obviously it'll still be recovering) but hey! IT'S SMOOTHER NOW! Albeit red, and looking spotty cos of the scars.
Ok going to resume drawing now OTL