Comic Fiesta 2015

by - 2:01 PM

Went for my first CF event yesterday with Genie to meet Jelly cos she opened a booth!

So proud ;__; and it was really great to see them again my beebees 

CF was so crowded oh my goodness and it's a good thing we got early bird tickets cos the ticket queue was horrific. The early bird queue was pretty horrible too but at least we already had tickets and didn't have to go through the hassle of waiting for people struggling with change 

If you look properly the green dude is wearing a cape made of lettuce/cabbage and he's holding a fork #thingsyounoticewhenyoureboredinline

Things were OK in the beginning, we could walk and not get elbowed, hit, stepped on (breathe)
then 10.30 swinged by and omgwhoareallthesepeoplei'msotiredargh

I also met a Dan and Phil fan ;__; it's so good to see people out there who like the same things 

 My CF loot:

Show some love to Jienli! She's shy and she gives bad directions but she loves art and if you like gory surreal avant garde stuff then she's perfect4u!

The blue one isn't by her it's by this other artist who goes by the alias Rociel. She's pretty amazebeans too 

We bailed after three hours because the crowd was thickening and we were getting old and tired
but not bad!

See you guys again in another two years (maybe) 

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