I've blogged so little this year haha have been really busy with final year projects and shit like that AND NOW I'M THREE MONTHS (unless I fail this semester...in which case I will cry) AWAY FROM GRADUATING AND GETTING MY DEGREE AND HAVING TO HAVE TO EARN MY OWN INCOME COS I WON'T BE GETTING A CUSHY POCKET ALLOWANCE ANYMORE AND I'M SO SO SO BROKE RIGHT NOW BUT I DON'T WANT TO JUST GET ANY OLD JOB YOU KNOW I WANT THIS TO COUNT
Which brings me to the topic of whenever lecturers tell you to not take the criticism to heart and that they're just talking about your project not you as a designer. Which doesn't make sense to me because don't people pour a part of their identities into their projects? How can I not feel offended or hurt when you comment on my project and give bad feedback? In every project I invest myself into there's a piece of my soul there, of course I'm gonna feel wounded 😭
I'm still improving in terms of accepting criticism but my stomach still burns fire whenever I receive bad feedback hahaha I can't help it. It's a mix of embarrassment, rage and waves of sadness T__T thinking about it makes me sad again hahahaha I MEAN IT'S PART OF THE JOB TO GET THIS KIND OF NEGATIVE ENERGY AND IT'S ABOUT HOW YOU RISE UP AGAIN BLABLABLA
In other news, I'm currently on the look out for a good interior design job or internship so I can finally invest in something I'm interested in, and see for myself if it's right for me, before it's too late and I get too old and what once was "fresh ideas" become "dated" and "backwards".
Gotta live on the fast lane right
T__T babies worked hard.