
by - 5:32 PM

tyrannical : 
  1. Exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way.
  1. Characteristic of tyranny; oppressive and controlling.

I'm quite sure we all learnt about tyranny in Sejarah, about how those leaders rule. If you haven't, you will.

Let me fill you in with what happened.
I was studying my Math while walking and guess who I walked into? Guess.
Oh yes, Pn Yean - the discipline enforcer of darkness. And I didn't have my hair pinned to "the correct fashion that is not fashionable to disciplinarians of Malaysian schools". So I got in trouble. Cos apparently the woman wasn't in a good mood AT ALL because she had a discipline case on her hands. Honestly. The moment I saw her in the morning at the office I KNEW she was in a bad mood. She was on a discipline rampage - going around telling people what's wrong with them and they should correct themselves immediately or else. 
Sometimes I think there's something terribly wrong with the school faculty system. She's the PKHEM but drop a discipline case on her, she gets in a terrible mood. If you don't like to do it, then DON'T do it - DON'T accept the job. 
Somehow or another that escaped the rational part of her brain when she accepted the job. Obviously, when you're PKHEM, its expected for you to deal with this kind of shit. It's part of your job criteria

Anyway, if you read the rule book that the government printed for us, it states on page 85:

8.5 : Pihak sekolah boleh mengadakan peraturan-peraturan yang difikirkan perlu dan bersesuaian

Does that seem right to you? What if your teacher is in a bad mood, and channels her anger towards you BY MAKING UP A TOTALLY NEW RULE? Or worst, what if that teacher is the HEADMISTRESS?
God bless you man if that happens.

Our school is insane, by the way. I sincerely suggest you don't transfer to my school unless every other school in the world doesn't accept you. Our discipline is STRICT. Like, silly strict.
For example, the pinafore you wear has to be at least 8cm under your knees. 
Apparently, if it's ANYWAY shorter than that, it's SEXY.

Sexy:Sexually attractive or exciting  

HOW ON EARTH CAN A SKIRT THAT TOUCHES YOUR KNEES BE ANYWAY SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE!?!? Oh my GOD the Japanese must've suppressed them really bad to think that knee-length skirts are SEXY. And then comes the next theory stating that it will influence us.
Whut. As if we aren't already influenced. Hello, take a look outside. WHO isn't wearing shorts these days? 
I think if they were to go to the beach, they'll have the biggest heart attacks of their lives.
And having prints on your bags is considered fashionable - hence you cannot bring anything with prints to school.
I fail to see what's so wrong with prints. I thought prints bring life to you and make you more cheerful, but apparently.. -.-
I mean, if it's spikes or something I understand. Cos the spikes actually imposes a threat to our safety. But prints? Patterns? Faux fur? Please la, as if having faux fur on your stuff will make you more active towards animal skinning.

I think Malaysian leaders need a reality check on how they make rules. Some of them are just....stupid.

Look at the Japanese. They're SO suppressed. And what happens?
They have these weird sexual desires. Look at anime! Oversized eyes, bouncy boobs and almost not-there mini skirts and tight shirts. If that's not a problem, I don't know WHAT is.

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