I'm back!

by - 7:07 PM

I'm back from Chinese New Year ahhhhhhhhhhh just to find out this week is off at uni lol so I officially start next week. I hope I manage to catch up and make good, proper friends.

This year's CNY was quite peaceful since we didn't visit anyone lol so no waking up at dawn getting ready to go visit relatives I don't know. No wearing uncomfortable dresses around pervy cousin and uncle. Less ang pow la, but it's not like I get to keep them anyway haha

Yes, I am 17 years old and I do not keep all of my ang pows. It's perfectly OK. I tell my mom to use it for life insurance hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahapleaseweallknowwherethemoneygoes

but my grandma is generous so hohoho. I mean the one still alive, not the one that just passed away lol gek sei yan meh

I started this post with full gusto now I just feel lazy it's so hot uuuuurgghhhh

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