I haven't finished my Social Psychology essay yet.
There are 3 midterms to face next week - which I haven't studied for yet.
I also haven't finished my Analytical Drawing practicals, and she's already showering assignment 1 on us.
I haven't even finished that one paragraph I have to write for English.
I am now also unable to write proper English while listening to music. MY ENGLISH SKILL IS DETERIORATING.
Finals is the first week of September aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh I feel like my brain has only accepted 5% of the information I have been force-feeding it so far. I'm so dead.
and it doesn't help that I'm becoming more and more sensitive to bullshit and stupid questions.
trust me, I want to change as much as you want me to too. BUT I CANNOT HELP IT. Must be the period. Or MAYBE MY SURROUNDINGS HAVE CHANGED. I don't know, I just want to hibernate until all the shit has evaporated.