last night's dream
I dreamt that we lived in a pre-apocalyptic world just before mass destruction. I can't remember the details but I do remember that there were 2 phases of destruction (until I woke up).
PHASE ONE: "Black"
Apparently everything went black and that was it. It's sort of like some lengthy warning that something bad was about to happen, I suppose
PHASE TWO: "White"
I know, so original right lol anyway, this was when the destruction will begin; where everything will be wiped out one by one until the world became this huge, blank (white) "canvas".
In between "black" and "white", I was in (grey HAHAHAHAHAHAH) a petrol station mart which somehow became a mini grocery store (no, not a convenience store.) and there were huge sales for people trying to stock up in preparation for "white"
Apparently my Mom knows one of the workers who asked my Mom "how she's getting by" or something along the lines of that and my Mom mumbled (I can't remember)
Apparently the government was squandering TM employee's bank accounts to save the country or something and my Mom mentioned something like OCC, which I made a mental (dream) note in my head to google about. See. Even in my dreams I think of Googling the unknown (glaring at you people who hardly Google)
I also lost my phone and wallet, which funnily enough my parents were not distressed over. Maybe cos we were gonna die anyway, so it hardly matters if someone uses the money in my bank account LOL