by - 12:21 PM

I'm blogging again now, so I'll feel better about abandoning it for extended periods of time.

Truth is, I have nothing to blog about cos the only people who read my blog, are also the people whom I share my moments with on Whatsapp/real life anyway so there really is no point of repeating the same thing here

I wish I could blog about something exciting, like hey I just went on a spontaneous helicopter ride and it was so fun! 
So I was at this (totally hipster) old bookshop yesterday while waiting for my mom (whine whine) and this totally cute guy approached me and we lived happily ever after.

We know those things aren't ever happening because a) I do not, or hardly anyway, do anything spontaneous because I am not very fond of unexpected trips anywhere I can't walk to; and b) old bookshops in KL are inhabited by old ladies, hence, the chance of any male form (of the young variety) being present is as slim as my wallet

Can something positive and happy happen in my life already OTL or am I just not prepared for complete bliss just yet

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