Week 1

by - 12:16 PM

*looks to the left*
design assignments
*looks to the right*
drawing assignments

before I start, I'll like to say that there is a very attractive drink-maker (wtf are they called) working at a pan mee place nearby. I go there because I want to see his face the pan mee is not bad HAHAHAHAHA DON'T JUDGE ME I feel very hormonal today
I want to fuck the world I feel so fertile

I got consumed by my own hormones I forgot what I wanted to say......
I vaguely remember this:

  1. Mr Sebastian, my design lecturer scares the shit out of me
  2. I'm surprised no one has made any jokes about Ms Quake's name yet (not that I don't like her but..c'mon it's wide open)
  3. Mr Ooi and Mr Leong are really nice 
  4. Building Materials lecturer needs to speak up cos I can't hear shit 
  5. The first two days of class was shit cos I felt so disoriented, but it started getting better after I spent 200 bucks on supplies (technical pens are so expensive ;__;)
  6. my 0.1mm technical pen doesn't work well 
  7. circle spectacles are the in thing
  8. my seniors are really friendly 
  9. the studio may not look sophisticated or elegant or high-tech, but I love it cos the draft tables are beautiful OTL but my chair is not adjustable so my spine dies a little everyday when I lean against the table
  10. I hope a new chair turns up fast, or I'll just stack plastic chairs together when I can't handle it anymore

I think that's it

I hope I survive 

I hope I pass

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