
by - 8:19 PM

Three names that friends call you:
1. Zhen
2. E Zhen
3. Phua

Three things you've done in the last three minutes:
1. typing here
2. redoing the blogskin
3. copying and pasting the cbox code.

Three ways to be happy when you're just staying at home:
1. Online
2. have a puppy.
3. eat chocolates

Three gives you would like to receive:
1. a new phone
2. a puppy
3. an ipod

Three of your favourites hobbies:
1. Online
2. read blogs
3. Drawing

Three places you want to go for a vacation:
1. America
2. England
3. Paris

Three things found in your bag:
1. books
2. pencil case
3. file

Three favourite colours:
1. black
2. Sky Blue
3. pink...i think...

Three people you tag:
1. Trisha
2. Sin
3. Lum

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