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by - 1:18 PM

SO I got into Pure Science :D 4Science2!

Class teacher is Pn Elizabeth and she has yet to grace us with her presence, and we didn't elect the monitor and shit yet. So I guess people assume Kok Zhuo is the ketua eventhough I'm the one that keeps doing the paper work and pasting shit and all he does is... know the teacher's names.
He's not good with names lol it took him half a year to remember how to spell Michelle -_-

ANYWAYS, the maths teacher - Pn Nazeema cannot teach LOL she's the teacher that's super thin like she's anorexic lol and she got pregnant once and the baby must have been bigger or heavier than her..cos she's so tiny. Her eyes are sunken in and you can see her arm-bones through her skin.
And I thought Sue Zanne was thin LOL
I couldn't understand what she was teaching. I had to study the answers and the question only I understood LOL I faaail.

En. Abdul Aziz is my Physics teacher as well as 4Science1's and we can all agree that he's the slowest teacher alive. He took two periods to teach us two pages of physic-ness.
And that was just the INTRODUCTION -____- hopefully he picks up the pace so we don't end up being too slow.
But at least I can understand what he was saying la :D

Biology teacher is Pn Zuraini and she reminds me of Pn Siti Hawa cos they both don't smile but at least this teacher looks like she's surpressing smiles LOL her smiles are so awkward, up one corner by a millimeter and before you know it, it's gone LOL

Chemistry teacher is Pn Maznin and she's the KRS teacher (not sure about this year..)
she's such a bundle of joy LOL so cute.
We spend her first lesson figuring out how to do the scientific method shit.
I think most of us forgotten the whole MV because RV shit for inference or hypothesis or something..cos everyone was making noise and blur-ed out.
Amanda's notes are so neat >____> jealous.

Add Maths is Pn Teh and the way she talk is like she's blurring out and popping back into reality LOL but OK la so far.
I heard that she's not a good Add Maths teacher cos she's blur...
which she is. Maybe cos she's getting old or something and can't remember what she wrote EXACTLY.

Pn Guna is a good Sejarah teacher O: SO MUCH better compared to Pn Norila. Maybe cos Pn N's voice cracks and she's hardly ever at school lol we missed out on so much and in the end, we had to self-study cos she's either not there or she talks to herself.
How I got an A, I will never know @___@

ANYWAYS, I finally got my Buku Catatan 8D Sue Zanne bought the wrong ones and she sold it to me HAHAH no need to line up :P Still need to get the maths book though.
According to Fiona, you can get the exercise books with the lencana sekolah at Pustaka Rakyat..hmm. Maybe I should try there.


Today's the Club and Sports registration day. Registered for Science+Maths and Bola Jaring lol
Wanted to go to Bola Baling cos then no need to do anything and still be able to watch sweaty guys HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH we are so sick but no more place already.
Daniel was all "Ezhen you joined bola baling!? O.O" and I was like
Then went to Bola Tampar and there was no more space -_- so evantually, we went to the nearest thing - Bola Jaring.
DIE. Got Pn Radin lol she's strict..

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