LOL oh my god when was the last time I updated? Today's March 23...19 days ago.
THAT IS SUPER LONG oh my god. So sorry, I wanted to update like last week, but some shit happened so yeah :P I re-linked by the way - to tellingit-likeitis.blogspot.com - cos you know. I tell it. Like it is. LOL I ain't mean or rude, I'm an honest bitch :)
Nothing much happened, got my results back though :D quite satisfied.
1A+ 4A 1B+ 3C+ 1D
D for Biology -.- oh my god. When my parents found out, you would've thought Hitler just got reincarnated underneath our house or something. Like as if their PRECIOUS, PRECIOUS SONS never fail their exams before. Girls can't ALL be straight A students okay -_-
and they were scolding me about not paying attention and how tuition will boost my marks or something omg hello, before PMR, B and C are like the only grades I got okay. And I went for tuition also. AND I STILL B AND C. Tuition isn't the fucking Grade-Boosting-GOD okay -_-
重男轻女. TOTALLY.
Me, Su Jean, Debbie and Sin Wi are in charge of the peristiwa part of the yearbook and we're like going OVERLOAD with ideas. We're making it VINTAGE and we're gonna filter the photos with a lomo effect :D
And I'm Yuen Yee's "consultant" LOL cos I keep having brainstorms at random moments like in the train or in the shower or during rehat or after school XD We're doing it like Seri Sempurna for the Sidang Redaksi page :DDDD IT'S GONNA BE AWEEESOMEEE!
Okay, will update in a few moments. Cheryl wants me to play Draw Something XD