Homework, HOMEWORK, HOMEWORK!!!!!! D8<
Homework...they are very, very, VERY dangerous...PREPARE THE HOMEWORK EATING DOGS!!!! They are planning this big plan right this very moment...teachers are their bosses and suppliers...they shall come to you, one homework at a time..slowly, you will drown in the sea of homework..the teachers drink their champagne laughing at us struggling to get out of the deep homework sea. We shout for help but our parents are completely too busy working in their offices and can't hear us. Hey, it can make a good book for children...I can see it now...
'Popular Horror Book of the Year: The Rise of the Homework'...
Children will not possibly sleep after reading the book...>8D...show them the importance of protesting against the main homework suppliers - the TEACHERS!!!
Maybe I should make my writing so small, its microscopic..
But then, even I won't be able to read it..
well, WHO CARES????