
by - 11:13 AM

Before I say anything I will like to declare that I am NOT racist.
Sorry to you guys for not being able to show up for basketball outing. Not that it'll be any different anyway
The thing is, all these social problems with umm.."coloured" people is freaking me out. Lots of people think that "coloured" people are dangerous. Well, you can't blame them, some of them made a bad reputation with us "bleached" people.
I couldn't go there cos they kept saying that

  1. 12 pm is a really really bad time to play basketball cos it's like 40 degrees out.
  2. there's lots of Indians there.
Okay seriously I agree with number one cos it's really freakin hot out and it's like, not rational to play when the sun is so hot you can fry pancakes on the pavement and the water puddles are like boiling. I don't like to get sun burns. They hurt. I don't think ANYONE likes sunburns lol
That's my opinion anyway.
In this world it's hard to exercise outdoors cos of all those rapes and kidnapping and stuffs. You can't go out alone. Go out alone and the next thing you know - you're pregnant. And you have to get rid of it and stuffs.
Annoying really. So people know get to exercise in these places like umm.. Fitness First? Or you can just do it at home.
Jogging outside only earns you a popularity badge by the mosquitoes. Evidence?
Show them your legs dudes. All those blotches screaming 'mosquitoes did this!'
The world is polluted! POLLUTED!
No one REALLY cares about the tortoises and I'm ashamed to say that neither does my family
cos if there's no theory that says humans may become extinct one day, they don't really care.
Take the movie "2012". All those people care about themselves! Did anyone care for the animals? Noooo. Just one pampered pooch.
What about all those animals??? No one cared for them.
You guys became scared because the thought of it creates FEAR! Fear of Death.
You wanna survive? PAY UP.
Money money money. The green thing. Without that, you die la!
Like they ever give a damn about you. If you're not famous, they don't care about you.
Oh and you know, a common example of pollution is?
You see it almost every single day.
Seriously the people in my van thinks it's FUN to litter. They think throwing the rubbish out of the van is FUN.
In fact, they get frustrated of me when I snatch the rubbish away from them and throw them in a proper area - the rubbish bin. Just take it home and throw la. Not like the rubbish is full of germs or anything. Most of them are just candy wrappers. No biggey. Just wash your hands.
In fact, I don't think the authorities even BOTHER to come to our rural areas to see the condition of their country Malaysia.
They just sit in their chairs and sip coffee in an air-conditioned room. Their houses are cleaned by servants. Their houses are like, CLEAN. Just come into Cheras and they'll vommit that sip of coffee out.
Trash everywhere! Cos even ADULTS litter. You would think adults would be mature and all but they AREN'T! They litter too! So well, this is somethine we kids have something in common with them. Go anyplace in Cheras and on the streets there's McDonald's Paper cups, plastic bags, least dogs defecate on grass! Their stools are biodegradable (yes, faeces can be used as fertilisers)!
Nevermind. You guys may hate me even more for complaining about pollution in my blog.
Hate me all you like.

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