
by - 11:31 PM

[WARNING: INCREDIBLY LONG POST. So please skip if you're not interested in my life ramblings. HOWEVER, if you are one of those curious ones ( :D !) who want to read it, I have seperated the paragraphs with a line........for your viewing pleasure lol thank you :D]

Went to Victoria's Station today for an early birthday-Mother's Day tie in :)

I'm like Onew. CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN :P yeah, I know. That's a pretty stupid thing to order at a steak house but y'know. I like my chicken. Mutton is hard to chew and steak is just..mehhh. My brother gave me a weird look when I explained why I ordered chicken and he called me another industrial who's too adapt with fast food to appreciate fine steak.

It's not that. I appreciate fine food, thank you very much. Just maybe not Western. Italian, maybe? If the portions weren't so gastronomically big. I like DOME, for instance. I like their salad. I like their appetizers. I just don't necessarily like their main courses. Maybe I'm one of those people who like nice food in small portions. Not to fill my tummy, but to enjoy it all. Yeah. That's me - indulgent as always.

Ice cream for dessert :) I feel so bloated the I-want-to-puke kind, not the I-feel-so-satisfied kind. I want to run a hundred miles right now..I feel so guilty for eating such a large amount of comfort food.
Though, in my defence, I didn't have lunch, and survived seven hours on an egg tart, which is a big thing for a person like me. I can't survive without food. Seafood, I can live without though. Why people love them so much I don't know. I hate the flavour--bleargh.

Like, if someone serves me salmon and I'm all ewww, they look at me like I'm a lunatic. A nincompoop (always wanted to use that!). I just realised that "nincompoop" is an actual word. }mind-fucked.
Then they tell me I don't appreciate good things and that salmon is really expensive and people would pay good money for a nice salmon.

I say that I'd save a whole lot of money by not buying salmon and get a nice piece of chicken instead. But then it'll just be hypocritical of me. Cos the notebooks I get aren't cheap and I hardly finish them any time soon, but I just keep buying them. So, someone could've said that I'd save a whole lot of money if I just wrote on scrap pieces of paper, which just won't be the same. So if you adore salmon, go ahead and get that fat piece of orange meat. I'll get my roasted chicken :)

So the big sixteen is coming in three days! And exams start tomorrow..
It sucks being born now sometimes. But I like being a Taurus lol so yeah. I like being in the same zodiac group with big names like George Clooney or David Beckham or Megan Fox or Audrey Hepburn. I like knowing that I have both feet planted on the ground. I like knowing that my birthday will fall on Mother's Day, an internationally celebrated day.

I just don't understand why I have to have exams every year on my birthday. If not near exams, during exam week or on the exam day itself. It sucks the joy from it all.

But then it is just my birthday. I mean, there's like, what, 7 billion people in the world, so what are the chances of even a quarter of it knowing me? Not even my entire school knows me, apa lagi the whole world.

Sometimes I want to change that.

Yeah, sure you can say that it's near impossibility that I'm gonna grow up to be some hot-shot whatever that's known internationally.

But who knows right? I might be a household name in the future. Or, I might fail and be some waitress for 5 years and then living off my parents for another 5. And then end up marrying when I'm 35, nearing the big 4-0. And then die in a freak car accident, much to the chagrin of my husband, who will go back to his alcoholic ways because he's oh-so-pathetic without me.

Psh. That was totally ripped off "One Day" which is A TOTALLY AWESOME BOOK. Highly recommendable.

Okay, my shoulders hurt.
Gossip Girl


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