Sometimes being a female can be very..annoying.
You can't do anything!
You can't:
- shout or scream
- sit with your legs open
- wear pants often
- walk 'criss-cross'
- can't have over-sized feet =="
- can't talk vulgar
- have 'round' things to bother about
- the monthly thing =="
for instance, teachers usually pick on the guys XD and leave us girls alone ! Yay male teachers! XD
and the fact that most teachers think we girls are very.."lembut" and push all the hard work to the guys.
Oh, and guys get almost all the blame XDDD
Oh, and there's more female teachers :)
But besides that?
Oh and girl's hair can be long and guy's can't :)
Well. Nothing else .
I don't really like to be a girl. People expect you to LOVE skirts =__=
the only skirt I own is the school pinafore lol I'm serious. I'm a jeans-maniac. The only thing I like for bottoms are DENIM! :)
Adults say I'll change when I grow up. Wonder if I will?
Oh and I made a new brooch today :) It's a white dove with orange wing. I call it
"freedom" :]
All for now