sem break - week one.
IT'S THE FIRST WEEK OF SEM BREAK. And I don't even feel energized, I just want to sleep all day. First week of sem break is almost coming to an end, and I'm wasting my life away.
People call me to go out and I'm all gung ho for about 10 minutes and then my body tells me to hibernate. So I cancel plans. HAHAHAHAHAH I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON I'M SORRY
I'm quite sure if I keep this hibernation up, all my old friends are going to abandon me cos I always end up bailing out HAHA like how I was supposed to go out with Su Jean today but yesterday my Mom said I had to renew my passport today, but then the workers are coming today for piping works and my Dad wants to stay at home to supervise so it's postponed to Sunday - the day Cheryl asked if I wanted to go TS with them so she can pass me the badges and I can have croissants at Tous Les Jours (It is not pronounced Twos-lays-juice) and I have to stay at home today also in case my Dad has to go out and they're not done yet.
So as you can see, given the circumstances, it's not entirely my fault :P
I can just imagine Su Jean mumble alasanalasanalasanexcuses101alasanpfft HAHAHAH shut up bitch.
I also told myself I should practice my drawing, but here's a written description of what I am drawing so far:
- anime-human heads
- hands
- legs
- more heads
yeah. So productive.
I AM SO LAZY THIS MUST STOP. But..I'm just so lazy. It's a horrible way to spend sem break, but the first semester left me really tired. Cut me some slack!
Also read a book: If I Lie by Corrine Jackson. IT'S QUITE GOOD. A REAL TEAR-JERKER. Like, my tears just fall without me forcing them to come out cos I feel weird if I don't cry considering how everyone else cried buckets. So that has to prove something !