by - 10:40 AM

Wow. Those people are FANATICS!! I feel so happy for them XD
SHINee world forever!!


You can't just judge me for loving Korean stuff okay. What is wrong with this world?
A girl just can't talk about something she loves anymore. The only thing that can satisfy people is to talk about dead people, people who are supposed to die and people who are trying to die.
This world is so sadistic.
The crazies in this world. =_="
Only like a FEW people who I can talk to about Korean stuff. All the others? They hate me for talking about Korean stuff.
Okay. So it IS my fault. For being so stupid.
Stupid to think that my friends would support me for something I like. DUMB EZHEN!!
People have their own lives to live so live and let live. But this is my blog and I own it so. yeah.


Did Minho's voice change? LOL I watched the MusicVideo AGAIN!! They rock so hard.
It's like watching football.. for us females la. Watching football is just laying back, relax and enjoy the EYE CANDY out there. *_*


Do you guys think dimples look good in a person? I think it makes them look cute. But if it's like on a business woman, it's just wrong.


Oh and yesterday, the crazy Miss Khoo tangkap me for wearing SHORT SOCKS.
COME ON!! They aren't even ANKLE SOCKS THAT SHORT LA. If they ARE then OK la. But they AREN'T!! So now I have to wear socks about an inch longer than the ones I wear now.
WHAT'S THE FREAKIN' DIFFERENCE??? Well, the amount of money in our wallets are what changed!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM??? SHORT SOCKS?!?!?!?!

Stupid school. Stupid rules. Wait, rephrase. CRAZY rules. Geez.
Over and out.

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