by - 11:18 AM

Yesterday went to Cheah's house at 2 cos it was her early birthday BBQ partyyy!
WAS UBER EXCITED cos it's been a looooooong time since I've been to BBQ :)
Saw her SUPER SUPER CUTE dogs - Jojo and Dolly (I think). Jojo's a white dunno-what dog and Dolly's an old Pomeranian. Small but old. REALLY old.
Then went to her room and it was FILLED WITH BOOKS. Her sisters were really creepy though. REALLY creepy. They never smiled or anything.. :(
It was all "==" the whole day at us.
So borrowed some books.
Then at about 4pm like that, everyone EXCEPT Debbie was there so we all went to the nearby park FOR NOTHING. I almost DIED on the road. It was such such SUCH a far way AND it didn't help that she lived on a hill.
I had a BIG workout there. XD Sweated like hell.
Then we went to raid Cheah's wardrobe cos I didn't bring spare clothes cos I didn't know we're going swimming..
So we went swimming and met a new person.. ____Kei. Sorry forgotten her name XD
I only know it's Samantha Kei but henceforth known as KEI in this post.
And also another two guys. One thin thin one fat fat XD no offence.
The thin one was super quiet and the fat one was really cheerful and talked alot.
Kei is a really bad person.
OK just found out from Sin that her name is CHONG PUI KEI. And CHONG PUI KEI is a really bad person cos she kept splashing water at us. So I gave her a look and she was like "ezhen is really scary!"
OK let me tell you her new house. It's at Puncak Perdana and you can see it from her old house and WOW it's huge.
It's not done with the renovating though so it wasn't furnished but it's really BEAUTIFUL.. oh and her new house has an ELEVATOR.
Yes. An elevator. A LIFT.
And then there's a rooftop where you can actually go out to? And then she has a GYM in the basement and a PLAYGROUND under the basement.
So you can see how frustrated I am cos there's so many freakin' stairs and the elevator hasn't been umm.. working? Yet.
So UP AND DOWN we go. So yeah. I had a MASSIVE workout there. Just going to her room ah, can lose like, 1000 calories?? I LOVE her parent's bed and her brother's room. It's not really fair though her her brother gets his OWN room AND it has a VIEW.
her brother's room is THE BOMB.
I love it too much. AND the shade of blue on the walls were PERFECT.
The BBQ started really late... at 8:30 or so. I lost faith in myself when I tried so very hard to cook the ham but the stupid ham kept dropping ==.
It kept dropping!! Then when I was cooking the chicken, dad called. Needa go home already. So someone dunno who cooked it FOR me cos they thought I abandoned it XD and then I bungkus-ed it home.
I miss that chicken.
I can't wait to visit her again when her new house is livable.
THANKS Cheah for inviting me :)
Sascha's really gorgeous
Kei's really fun.. even the kids loved her XD
The two guys were.. abandoned XD


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