Here's what happened.

by - 1:59 PM

I just finished doing my Chemistry paper (which, by the way, was really hard. Pn Maznin, WHY YOUR QUESTIONS SO CONFUSING!??!?! Will talk about exams after exams if I remember haha insignificant little details.) when Cik Adlina came in and in my head, I was like 'shit, she knows.'

So here's what she knows. I posted a really vulgar rant after the debate on Tuesday. And apparently, some MBSians found out and shared it into the MBS Universe of Facebook. I've read their comments and to be honest, I really didn't expect that from a bunch of guys lol if you were to look into our school's guys' rants, you'll be blown away by their sarcasm. But these guys are just like all, 'don't go down to her level, she's just a whiny bitch blablablabla they can't admit their lost blablabla MBS FTW' or some things like that. That's quite gentle if you ask me. I expected some full essay on how bitchy I was.

ANYWAY, somehow or another, their headmaster found out and faxed a screenshot of my post to my headmaster -.- God, I knew putting my photo there isn't wise. Better change my name too for good measure. WHY CAN'T I HAVE A CLICHED NAME LIKE SIN YEE OR SOMETHING.

So anyway, I'm in trouble now. To what extent, I don't know.

But thank you Cik Adlina, Pn Azatul, Pn Eliz and anyone else who defended me. Thank you my Twitter followers, my classmates and my friends who know about it. Thank you for defending my right of speech.

But I think they're more peeved about my swearing than the actual content so yeah lol. Hopefully, my parents don't kill me and pengetua goes light on me.

Pn Azatul was like, 'you're such a nice girl Ezhen...we'll try to help you.' :') "we" referring to Cik Adlina and Pn Eliz. I bet Pn Eliz is outraged lol she's very sensitive about swearing. I'm sorry I failed you.

We were having a girly moment in the bilik guru while Pn Hasfah worked on the laptop and Encik Hizwan laughed at me then continue going through his phone LOLOLOL


Word of advice to anyone out there who decided to rant on Facebook: everyone's watching, everyone's reading, and Facebook is the social network equivalent of CNN. Sooner or later, everyone will know. Everyone will see it, they'll talk about it, they'll take some action. Keep that in mind. Especially if you involve another party.

But it's stupid if you rant about someone else and fully name them and make it bloody obvious that it's them lolololol even the top lawyers can't fully help you then.

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