Weirdo's Dream

by - 11:06 AM

Posting about my weirdo dream.

Okay, here's all my memory could bring to me.
Don't laugh. >:* I will be upset and disappointed. =.=

Okay, I dreamt I was this delivery girl or something and I had to deliver this package to someone. Turns out this "someone" lives beside a swamp. I had to STEP on crocodiles to get to that place. It's like so SCARY. I mean, you're stepping on crocs and there's a couple who looked hungry. \(>0<) / Finally, I crossed the swamp and I don't know why I saw my MOM there. ==" I found the guy and he looked like the phantom of the opera. He opened the package, and there was a new mask for him, it was all glittery and stuff, kinda reminds me of MJ's left glove, sparkly. ==" He took of his mask and guess who he was. OMG, it was that cute guy (who I saw at somewhere not telling you all). I was like, in OMG mode. When he paid me, I wanted to go back but the swamp disappeared and there's this sand that looks like teh tarik. This stupid guy came from no where and ran towards the teh tarik and got stuck in. Screamed for help but I didn't help XD. Suddenly, so many heads there ady. I crossed the human-sucking-leaving-head-only-so-weird teh tarik by stepping on their heads XD. Then, POOF. I woke up. careful when you drink teh tarik next time..I know I will...

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