Song Maniaccc

by - 11:02 AM

Maroon 5 - Misery.. Ignore the music video, it's PERVERTED. Focus on the SONG. How the.. umm.. I think it's called Background Music mixes with the lyrics then BOOM! A song! :D That woman had problems. All he did was sing songs everytime he sees her.. and then she treat him so bad. First kiss kiss then BISH BASH.

Mental problem wan :/

Enrique Iglesias - I Like It.. discovered the song from Vk's. Love it. Can't find the song == I WANT THIS SONG!! And Teenage Dreams.. and Misery. CAN'T FIND IT AT 4SHARED! Damn.

Going to playyyyyyyyy some weird game now. Toooooodlleeesss. LOL I know. I just used Toodles. XDD

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