
by - 6:37 PM

Oh my gosh there's so many things I want to rant about. First, let's start off with SUPERMARKETS. I just went to TESCO and JUSCO for the weekly grocery shopping and one suggestion for the people who are going to buy groceries: " if you have the money, ALWAYS, ALWAYS go to Cold Storage "

And you know WHY? Because first of all, the Tesco I went to sucks so hard. The first thing that annoyed me was the LITTLE KIDS. WHY can't parents leave them at home or LEASH THEM TO THE TROLLEY or just make them sit in the trolley where they can't bug us people who want to WALK WITHOUT BEING KICKED OR SLAPPED OR ANNOYED?? Seriously. WHAT in the world made them BREED so much?? Isn't ONE child enough already?? CONTROL YOUR HORMONES PEOPLE!!
If you want to have regular sex, I suggest THE CONDOM? Yeesh.
AND some Tesco staff kicked my leg and she ran away.
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!?!??! OMG how old is she?? EVEN THE IMMATURE-EST GUYS IN MY SCHOOL DON'T DO THAT!! They at least run away a few metres and then they dare you to run after them. I know this cos Sin Wi does alot of this. It annoys me sometimes cos I have to run after her LOL
ANYWAYS, not only THAT but there are stray trolleys EVERYWHERE. Yeesh. Bad trip.

JUSCO. Okay Jusco is a wee bit better cos it's not as crowded but when you get into the Vegetable, Fruit and Meat area where staple foods are around? OMG IT'S A PARADE OF OLD PEOPLE. And they move so slow!!!! Urrgh. AND you have to be nice to them cos they're OLD and they deserve more cos they're OLD.
Where are their children for God's sakes??
GOD. At least trolleys aren't lying around there!! And there's no staff that kick you and run away..but there's this creepy little old lady that I see there sometimes (I think the staff knows her...) and somehow she always goes there and scream at people o____o somehow particularly Malay and Indian workers there....maybe she's racist. But whatever. The worst thing is, YOU CAN'T ENJOY IT cos (a) I have no idea whatsoever on WHAT LANGUAGE SHE'S USING!! and (b) once you stare at her she turns to you with that pinched up face of hers and rant at you!!! THAT IS SO SCARY. Thank GOD my grandmothers aren't like that..

Next rant of the day: My brother. OK this is going to be short cos I am going to organize my desk (don't ask me why I just want to).
OMG I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE ON THIS PLANET THAT IS SO RELAXED AND SLOW! There was one time when he was late for work, he didn't even rush! He just moved r-e-a-l-l-y-s-l-o-w-l-y and said that since he's late already then screw it, who cares if he's later?

OMG and he got promoted now.

One thing to say: He can't be a cashier and if he is, I won't go there cos he will just move slow.

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