responsibility - rant

by - 6:20 PM

Dear Redaksi Pengerusi,
I have to say, your looks and voice can be really deceiving. Who knew how much of a jackass you are?
I knew it was too good to be true, to have my divider to be accepted just like that. I knew it.
Don't try and argue that being the high pangkat you are in now, you can't review everything. Excuse me, how long does it take a person to look at a sample divider? It doesn't exactly take a whole week you know. Making it takes a whole week, approving it doesn't even take 5 minutes. I'm quite sure that you can spare us at least 5 minutes from your precious work time.
Don't try and argue that your job is very important, blah blah blah. Excuse me, but do you realise that we have classes too? Does it occur to you that we, the redaksi members happen to be 16 year olds who have classes to attend, homework to finish and tuition to go to? Yeah sure, you go home at 3.30 everyday. Big deal. So what if you arrive that school at 5am? Has it ever occurred to any of the faculty that students don't exactly live a life of marshmallows and pop tarts? I know people who don't reach their homes until 6pm. Yeah, that's half a day gone to school, curricular and tuition. What about their homework?
Why is it, that when I finished the divider, I don't know... A FEW MONTHS AGO (!!!!) you didn't tell me THEN that you don't approve? Why is it that you have to wait until everyone decided on my dividers, approve it, only you tell me that "English is not formal"?
Redaksi teachers, please get your ass up from Facebook for once and look at what we do. Cos so far, only Pn Yus is working her butt off.
REST OF THE BLOODY FACULTY, do you realise how much a pain in the ass is it for us to get something from you guys? I thought teachers were supposed to be all organised and shit. Well, apparently I thought wrong. Do you think it's easy to go class by class asking the students to give us what we want?
Then when it's late, they all complain.
Do you think we like missing out in classes? Did you know, that whenever we miss our classes, we have to defend ourselves against our teachers? Did you know, that less than half of the entire Redaksi crew actually does work?

Honestly. The school magazine would work much more faster if the entire redaksi crew (that includes all the teachers) works efficiently.
And if its late, we bear the fault. Apparently, it's OUR bloody fault it's late. HELLO.
Oh my god. I feel so pissed.

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