
by - 10:35 AM

Ways to ensure a good start of the day for me:

  1. When I just wake up - no questions, no talking. In fact, no interaction. At least not until I had my shower and breakfast.
  2. Breakfast - cannot be oily. I like my breakfasts to be healthy with as less oil as possible. No over-use of soya sauce either.
  3. No rushing. 
  4. No going too slow either, it irritates me more if I haven't had breakfast yet. Slow people aggravate me.
  5. No drama
I like my mornings to be holistic and be full of happiness and rainbows. 

Obviously this post came from a bad morning experience. My brother wanted to go this place at Anggerik. It only has noodles swimming in soy sauce; either that or its swimming in liquid MSG. I hate that place. The floors are dirty, the walls have a weird grey colour, the huge mirror there doesn't even reflect any more, the dry wall they installed there is the only thing that looks remotely clean. Urgh. 

Why can't I have a nice, clear bowl of noodles????

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