Sylvia Yacoub from The Voice takes on "The One That Got Away" by Katy Perry. This, is just freaking awesome.
Dez is just such a sweetheart. Honestly, I bet all the girls watching the show has their eyes on him. And his parents are pastors, so he just HAS to be pure, right? God, this guy. He went to Yale too, and played football. What ELSE can you ask for!??!?! The guy has the looks, can sing, the brains apparently if he got into Yale and is athletic!!! His girlfriend has got to get her game on if she wants to fend off the other ladies out there.
Another favourite of mine. He's so cute!! Just by his singing style, you can tell. The dude is a quirk. A cute one, at that.
I think I have a real over-heating problem now. Recently, I've started to sweat like CRAZY. Even when I'm in an air-conditioned room.
Take last night for an example. I was trying to fall asleep (to no avail, since my Mom keeps waking me up. The dog kept sticking its head it and refuses to get out.) and I couldn't stop feeling so heated up. It's so irritating. I hate sweat.