
by - 10:35 PM

Woah, it's been awhile since I've blogged. I wanted to before, during and after CNY but I've been busy with homework, school, tuition and my sheer laziness :P not to mention exams are next week and I'm freaking out cos I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING.
Majority of my in-school close friends are smarter than me, and every time they talk, I'm like the odd one out going all blur.

And when I know something, it's a very big fucking deal okay. It's a very big deal to me.


My CNY has been boring, so I'm not going to elaborate much about it. I basically just ate and slept and accepted money like the non-practicing hooker we all really are for 9 days straight. And I gained weight, but I just weighed myself and I weigh the same, so I feel happy :) 

I attended a Kursus Kepimpinan yesterday and it was SO SO SO AWESOME.

My group had to say "OMM/MMM/OHHHMM/ Sedaaaapnyaa!" really loud, really fast, really precisely. While the rest of the groups all had only one word. So unfair right? But basically we had no idea how screaming words out loud improved our overall kepimpinan-ness. So the kursus was meh. 

The free food wasn't the customary fried rice/chicken rice. It was a curry puff, a small doughnut and a nugget. We were not very amused. 


The school counsellors arranged yet another pathetic motivational workshop today. Honestly, Pn Chen should stop trying to act like she's really enthusiastic with everything. I sincerely would like to meet her boyfriend. He must be either very depressing, or just as annoying. 
But it is okay, she is still young and the time will come when she realises that it doesn't help. Look at Pn Fariza, she radiates fuckeries.

So we had this piece of paper where we had to decided which 5 people are to be sacrificed in order to save the ship and the passengers. And I was the talkative one in my group cos I was trying to convince them not to throw the 80 year old doctor off board, and throw the penjual instead. So I was picked as group leader and I had to go on stage -.-

Instant Mortification, Ingredients:
100 kilos of people you see every morning
5 cups of embarrassment
3 1/2 cups ridicule
10 tbsp humiliations
1 splash of water
a dash of oblivious YCL-lookalike

I accidentally splashed my skirt when getting up -.- Obviously these things only happen to me.

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