Shut Up.
So I was finishing up my folio after three hours of doing Part B. Which by the way is fucktastical.
I was so happy for like, a few moments until I got irritated cos my brother has yet shut up. And I was writing fantastic words on Twitter and Facebook when my aunt came.
You know, my Physics teacher has always told us that everyone had that bitchy auntie who always compares you with their own kids. In my case, almost all my aunties and uncles are bitchy. Like I have this bitchy uncle on my Dad's side who will never be impressed by me, yet is ecstatic that his grand-kid is in Cosmotots. You know what that is? A freaking tuition centre. Bitch, people like me? We don't need to go to no Cosmotots for English classes. People like me have the dictionary flipping ingrained into our brains.
Anyway, this aunt of mine came by and started criticizing me cos I used Excel. My brother asked me how long it took me and I said three hours and my aunt was like "what the fuck, do with your hands la faster blablabla" I put my earphones back and blasted Linkin Park.
Look. I know I shouldn't get pissed off at my family members. And I know my aunt has her shining glory moments but most of the time, her freaking temper gets on my fucking nerves.
You do not. I repeat, DO NOT criticize my folio. Especially after I've spent three motherfucking hours of MY LIFE finishing it. You DO NOT come by and start telling me that I should've used my hands instead. Look, I am not stupid. I know I can, but I didn't. Cos I know I will waste paper cos I always do. And there are freaking designs there okay. I need grids, and I need to create my own designs. And I know I will fuck up somewhere. Even using the computer, I've fucked up. I had to redo a lot of stuff. Imagine the amount of paper I would've wasted. Not to mention the time wasted making sure my words are straight. I am extremely obsessive with perfection when it comes to my folios okay. So suck it, or get the fuck out.
And I know you'll eventually sarcastically ask me why I took up Science stream anyway. Look, Miss Nothing-Is-Ever-Good-Enough-For-Me, I took up Science because there is no sub-science. Because I have little to no friends in Accounts. Because Accounts is in BM and I hate BM, I hate the accounts teacher cos she's a bitch too, and I generally cannot do anything in BM.