
by - 10:28 PM

As you guys could see in Trisha's blog, Pn Haslina is retiring/resigning. Dunno which. But she's pregnant! :D One more human in the world soon I guess..

Can't believe it. She's going to resign. We've only known her for a year!! Or less!!
I think I should use proper English in this post because she teaches me English so I have to use proper english to honour her. Okay. So..
She rocks! She's the only teacher I know in my fourteen years of life that understands us poor students! She is not only our teacher, but our friend. She talks to us with a friendly, umm.. accent? Her aura is sweet, that's the point.
Even Jia Wei likes her and to me, if Jia Wei likes a teacher, she rocks XD
It's not easy to make Jia Wei like a teacher okay?
Eventhough she has been annoying with her homework (sometimes, all teachers have this flaw XD), she'll always be a teacher we can converse properly with.
Puan Haslina is a mother of two sons (I think) and that may be the reason why she understands us.. She is a nice person so don't damn her okay? So if you, reader, is holding a grudge against her, don't comment about it okay? It's not wrong to hate a teacher cos it's normal for students to hate teachers right? Eventhough they work hard to teach us, we students do not see their rajin-ness.
*focus, ezhen, focus..use proper english!!*
Puan Haslina has shown us, well, me at least that a teacher can be your friend too.. you just have to have the..ability? charisma? I don't know.
She can be strict at times but that's cos she loves us..right? ._.?

The thing is,
we will always remember her as a good teacher and a nice friend :)

*sekian, terima kasih XDD*

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