Update - the week.
My week has been pretty uneventful, in an eh way. Nothing much ever happens to me. This BaZi-fortune teller-psychic-person-orsomethinglikethat predicts that I might be involved in an accident this year. A small part of me can't wait lol I always wanted to be one of those patients in the hospital. Fingers crossed that if that really happened, my doctor will be good looking :P
There are different standards of good looking people. Your location, in my opinion, is a contributing factor to your hotness level. Like, for example: you're at the market. Not the hypermarket, the market. As in the place aunties gather to buy their weekly groceries. Guys there just skyrocket in the hotness level, because really, HOW MANY hot guys do you find at the market? Look at those fish mongers or butchers. God their sons all have really impressive forearms. But if you put them at somewhere, say KLCC, their hotness level just plunges.
So it really depends. Obviously I don't expect the hospital I go in to be like the set of Grey's Anatomy. I have some sense of realism in me. I'm not one of those girly girls you see everywhere that act like freaking Disney Princesses and have a naive mind like cough DebbieEuniceYongXin cough HAHA sorry guys, but you are pretty naive.