Look at this cute lil' hamster. Ain't it cute?
Then, look at this.
Imagine it shout "SILENCE"
I'm talking about my Chinese teacher.
She makes my Wednesdays SO DAMN BAD.
YOU! YEAH, YOU! I DON'T GIVE A DAMN TO WHAT YOU TEACH, I DON'T APPRECIATE IT AT ALL! I LEARNT NOTHING FROM YOU. I hope it's a different teacher next year or SMKSM fortunately demolishes the Chinese classes and replace it with library time.
I also hope it's library will expand. :D
Please? :} *cue doggy powt*
My favourite teacher in history is...
emm...Sejarah tuition teacher? He's nice. Not too boring. :D
Cik Minot hor, if you don't kick her in a bad spot, she'll be good wan..
Not that I like Eswaren or anything, I'm just standing for HUMANE rights.
Eh, c'mon la. He didn't DO ANYTHING at all. All he did was try to gain attention he didn't have. If you people just give him a chance, HE WILL STOP IT. He never tasted attention before and that's what he craves. Instead, what do you people do? Steals his stuff, throw it around, Jump up and down on his bag...WHY? It's sooo racism.
Rashvind: You people keep calling him BLACK. WHAT ABOUT YOU?? VERY FAIR MEH?
CCY: You got see him calling you short meh? NO. Instead, you call him names.
Nicholas: He got call you CYTOPLASM or PIMPLE-FACE meh? NO.
Sakthis: He got call you A CRAZY PSYCHOTIC GUY meh? NO.
Bully people for what? If people insult you all, all you do is shout out your pitiful foul language without listening what people have to say. You know what? YOU'RE SCARED. And in CCY's point of view, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THE HECK PEOPLE ARE SAYING AND YOU DON'T WANNA ADMIT IT.
Seriously people, Why bully people?
I wouldn't like it of people bully me!
I love this poster.
School life:
I was actually looking forward to tomorrow, but because of CHINESE class, all my hopes of happiness are gone..GONE just because of that woman.
You just don't get everything good, huh?