Sorry Saturdays.

by - 10:22 AM

Watched Top That! again and this week's "episode" (? what do you call it? Segment? idk who cares.) was a bit inspirational

Tyler and Becca talked about Noah who was embarrassed of his glasses. CAN I JUST SAY, how adorable Noah is like asdfghjkl he looks so cute in his glasses and his laugh is the funniest thing ever, next to Verinia's gasping-for-breath laugh

My first pair of specs weren't embarrassing for me. Okay, maybe it was. Funny thing was, I was only self-conscious about it in the van, when I reached school it was like "yeah, I have specs. Problem?" and people kept telling me it was cool and shit cos they thought I was really embarrassed LOL. Even my first boy crush like

GAH okay delete delete delete. I don't want to remember my boy crush days they were horrible gaehnsvcdfghnvhj

Moving on,
Becca also talked about this Bullying Experiment these guys did. One guy in obvious bully clothes started bullying the other guy in obvious nerd clothes around public areas to see if anyone will step out and help.

1. Now that you're aware that yes, THESE EXPERIMENTS WILL HAPPEN EVENTUALLY, just do the right thing and stop them. Okay, so you're a girl. WHO THE FUCK CARES. What are they gonna do? RAPE YOU IN DAYLIGHT? Please.

2. If you don't do it, your face goes on Youtube and let me tell you, Youtube comments hold nothing back. You'll probably instigate a very heated argument of bullying that'll eventually (don't lie, we know this will happen) spiral into a huge racial discussion.

I saw some of the comments, and they said no one helped cos their acting was so fake. Um, I don't know about you but that sounds like your guilt speaking.

And of course, because this week is a Paul Walker week (Nelson Mandela will be this weekend until next week.)

Apparently, this jewelry store talks about how Paul Walker paid for this military couple's engagement ring when he overheard them saying how they weren't able to afford it.

Gah. Them feels.

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