Reporting From Duty..BOOOKS!!

by - 8:43 PM

Today woke up with heavy bags under my eyes which disappeared after a few seconds...
Today is a BIG day:
I'm going to Summit, Subang Jaya for the Popular Warehouse Sale.
Was really looking forward !
But then I was disappointed cos there wasn't any Little Black Dress books :( Awwwhh..
Instead, I bought a card making kit, a craft book and two fiction books..
Bed and Breakfast Star by Jacqueline Wilson
Nurse Matilda
Actually Nurse Matilda is who we call now "Nanny McPhee"..remember her? The ugly nanny whose warts disappear in time which is really fascinating.
But still reading Sugar and Spice now. I'm quite slow at reading...this one in particular cos I have to keep putting down the book to grab something to eat cos the book can really make you hungry and you can really add a few pounds if you have chocolate cake at home...
Seriously, the main character keep saying what type of cake that person for example her sister, Michelle AKA Moo is a Raspberry, Blueberry and Lime Cake. God. And her "perfect" chocolate cake!!!
It made me think of moist chocolate cake.
I can't believe I'm drooling now.
Oh God, my parents think I have stroke.

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