
by - 6:53 PM

Okay, clearly I REALLY have nothing better to do. Here I am, typing crap.
But who cares no one does anything with my blog post but respond negative-ly towards it. NO ONE likes my posts. Unless, of course, I talk something extra-ordinarily good about them. When I talk about the world and animals being killed, all I get is "WHY you so ___????" or "You see ar, that zhen hor, always write post like this wan. CEPAT MARAH!!"
I'll have you know I don't like to being branded cepat marah eventhough I know I am lols I'm weird this way.
SO I am trying. TRYING. I repeat, TRYING to control my temper.
I just wanna state it right here right now.
Anyways going on to the main topic of this post:

Essentials you should have in your bag!! :D (Wow this should be boring?)

  1. A comb - What if your hair gets messed by these annoying people who go mess up your hair or a sudden change of weather??
  2. Bobby pins or clips - to hold your hair in place
  3. A pen - well, DUH!
  4. At LEAST RM5 - to buy reload to call people in case of emergency
  5. Your PHONE!!
  6. Your WALLET!!
  7. Mascara and Lip Gloss - I don't need to say why.
  8. Floss - Dental care
  9. Band-aids!!
  10. Some Panadol - in case you're in an emergency where you can't go anywhere..
  11. iPod or Mp3! - if you're in the train or bus or a really really boring lecture, at least you have some entertainment!!
  12. almost forgot this...SAFETY PINS!! - what if your jeans button or zip just burst??? This is a MUST!!
  13. Tissues
  14. Mints - just in case you ate onions or garlic and have bad breath.
  15. biscuits - if you don't have money OR any credit cards OR an ATM card with you, you came PREPARED! (of course you can forget this)

These should fit an average-sized bag :)

Oh and ALWAYS have a bottle of water with you. Or just make sure before you go out-doors, make sure you have some cash with you.. even if you're just going for a jog!! You need to be prepared for all the odds out there.. you may jog yourself to NOWHERE!! So at least you have some money or some food to sustain your life... So, yeah.

Hope I helped in some mysterious way. Just put it here cos Mom was looking at handbags so I thought of the stuffs thats SUPPOSED to be IN those bags.

So, yeah.


@7:20 p.m.

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