Get real sister.

by - 9:21 PM

Reading DM's blog makes me motivated to rant XDD Blame him okay? XDD No offence.

Our first topic to rant about today will be EYES.
Those really weird girls out there who buy contact lenses that enlarges their eyes and coloured ones? THEY ARE SO WEIRD! I mean, it's a known fact to the entire world that there exists contacts that enlarge and add colour!!! When you wear, it's like SO OBVIOUS. It's like some sort of sign on you that says "I'M A FAKIE. LOOK AT MY HUGE EYES. THEIR BIG AREN'T THEY?"
Don't be so jealous over people who were BORN with big eyes la okay? Your own fate that you're not born with them so JUST LIVE WITH IT. Geez.

Second topic: BOOBS.
Some of those really really SUPER DISGUSTING girls out there wear like, LAYERS AND LAYERS of pads JUST to make their boobs look big. Disgusting much? And wear all those revealing clothes like tubes and halter necks.
It's fashion, yeah I know. But why do you HAVE TO WEAR LAYERS AND LAYERS OF PADS??

Third topic: WEIGHT.
I just found out that what one person thinks affects SO MUCH on a victim. Serious. Like for example, girl A says girl B looks fat, girl B will be this silly idiot who goes around trying to console herself by telling the whole world she think she's fat just so they can tell her SHE'S NOT. Stupid tactic I know.

all for now until I can think of more things to rant about :D

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