
by - 12:19 PM

OKAY so .. fact of the day: I can't jump rope. SO currently learning how to....I can jump without the rope but once I touch the handles I get all tangled and I panic and I can only do one jump before I sit on the sofa, put my hands in my head and sigh.

Frustrating -.-

Anyways I think my mom has a problem, everytime Dad isn't at home she starts CLEANING like crazy and starts scolding me about my messiness ==
and she just scolded me just now without even LOOKING at the evidence ==
Today is a frustrating day to start off with.
SO, signing off, gonna go try again :D can't do it in front of mom though she keeps calling me stupid cos I dunno how to do it == talk about "encouraging". Whose fault is it that I don't know how to do almost everything? If you don't buy toys for a baby, all it does is waddling around ripping stuff to pieces.
THAT'S why you buy toys for them.
So I spent my childhood sitting on the table drawing my weird stick people and then I discovered COMIC BOOKS so I started drawing umm.. people with meat (LOL) instead of sticks. Looking at my old drawings today..I feel so disgusted =.= so ugly and un-proportional.
It's just plain ugly and I WASTE SO MUCH PAPER!!! I just draw something in the middle of the paper and then the next page I leave BLANK and I draw another thing in the middle of the OTHER page :O
SO WASTEFUL!!!! No wonder my parents scolded me so much XD I used to draw on EVERYTHING, and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Tables, UNDER the tables, chairs, walls, cupboards, drawers, drawer doors, THE FLOOR, sofa arm rests and once even glass and plastic XD I was ONE crazy kid
And when I reached primary, I used to SCREAM "Negaraku" out loud cos I wanted the teachers to hear me XDD and I mostly socialize myself with guys cos I dunno why. My first best friend is school was a guy LOL HE WAS SO ADORABLE! So small and baby-ish XDD It's like looking at a big baby LITERALLY SPEAKING cos he doesn't have much hair and his voice is squeaky and he's so SMALL!!
And on the second or third day (I forgot...) of primary, I kena rotan XD cos I didn't understand the concept of HOMEWORK and cos..I was a real blur case last time cos I didn't speak much Chinese and I couldn't understand much Chinese so what the teacher says I just day dream and couldn't hear that she told us to do HOMEWORK. So I kena rotan without knowing XD after that she told us to do homework (I finally understood!) and I forgot to do it and when she ask who didn't do I did my homework in my drawer and the people around me were like "O_O" and I was "SSSSHHH!!!"

Haha. Childhood days. Or at least, younger days :D and I was so blur that I couldn't differentiate all those teachers with their subjects... The first art project was colouring a house LOL wth right.
I think I called a teacher auntie once...

OMG I was such a blur case @.@

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