This video was actually one of those ads you see before the Youtube video actually starts lol. I think it's inspirational and we people should really learn from it.
This may sound cheesy and all, but I really really want to grow up to become one of those people who starts foundations to help the poor. I know, I know, hard to believe. But I really feel bad for those people who survive on minimum wage jobs.
It doesn't matter who they are - taxi drivers, street cleaners, security guards.. most of them are middle aged people. Which probably means they have families of their own and it makes me sick to think about how they live and shit. And subsequently it makes me feel so over-privileged cos what the hell have I done right?! But at the same time, I don't want to live a life of hardship haha shallow as it seems, I can't leave the life I have right now.
Lots of people say they deserve it cos they don't wanna go to school and blah blah blah. I'll have you know that "having an impressive-ass degree" just isn't good enough any more. Nowadays, who doesn't have a degree? We don't live in the 70's okay, let's just make that clear.
My Sejarah teacher told us about the story of the cleaner at some factory in India. Apparently one of the machines broke down and they brought in the best engineer there is and he couldn't fix it, so he declared that the machine was bust. The cleaner asked the owner if he could have a go so obviously everyone laughed at him.
People. He went to buy a couple of screws and got the freaking machine to work again. What was he? Just a cleaner? No. He had a degree. In engineering.
WHICH JUST PROVES MY POINT!! Those minimum wage workers might have degrees that we don't know of! Those "immigrants" could be just as educated as we are, just that they couldn't find a job cos job opportunities for white collar jobs are decreasing!
What pisses me off the most are those aunties and uncles who came from kampungs and just litter everywhere -.- like dude.
And the worst thing is? Their kids are following their footsteps. I have friends who feel like its OK to litter. These are the exact same people who go to church or temples and preach about how much they love Jesus.
So I am here to say: please, please stop littering. It bugs the bloody crap out of me. It may be hard to believe but I used to pick up rubbish my friends left around -.- it was so annoying like dude. GET YOUR ASS UP AND THROW YOUR FUCKING RUBBISH IN THE DESIGNATED AREA.
These people -.- like just because there are cleaners doesn't mean you can just litter as you please. What goes around, comes around. Maybe next time when I see your face you could be a street cleaner. #Justsaying
So stop it. Stop littering. Start taking count of the street cleaners' feelings okay. And not to forget all those other blue collar workers out there. They already have it harder than the rest okay? Just stop it.