Trial and Error.

by - 12:04 PM

Yes, today's topic is trial and error! Don't ask why, just read, dah-ling.

The other day my BM tuition teacher told us that once for the SPM retakes, they asked this question in the novel part. I don't remember exactly, so I'll just translate it to English:
"Explain how the title of the novel that you have read reflects on the story"

Hmm. Yeah. Uh. Well. Yeah. WHAT?!?!

I mean, if it were in English, I can explain it I guess. But you see guys, the title of the novels we've read is "Papa...akhirnya kau tewas jua!" and "Konserto Terakhir". Very dramatic titles, I know.

I suppose we can write for "Papa" that it speaks about how strong the father had been but in the end he ends up losing too? He ends up losing his wife once he finds another, much younger one? WE SHOULDN'T BE POLYGAMISTS? I DON'T KNOW OKAY.

Konserto Terakhir I suppose can reflect on how in the last concerto Hilmi had, was also the same day everyone learns of the truth. But it's too late cos Hilmi died and so did his Dad and omfg he fell in love with his half-sister thank God he died otherwise he'll have to deal with that crap again.

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