
by - 11:59 AM

So, in the midst of procrastinating from studying, I've downloaded a new ebook! It's the Summer trilogy by Jenny Han. I actually bought the last book from MPH like 2 years ago. I knew it was a trilogy, and I knew I bought the last book even though I haven't read the previous two.

I like to take risks in life. *shrug*

Okay, okay. Jokes aside, the books aren't that bad.
I really recommend it if you don't really have anything better to do coughevenstudyingcough. It's a really good beach read. Beach read is book-geek talk for books that just pass you by the time. It's an easy read, not challenging at all. But really deep.

Okay, not so deep. I've seen deeper books. But it's not horrible. You can even check out the ratings. It scored an average of 4.2/5 which in Goodreads is a pretty damn good rating.

And besides,

I don't care how she describes Jeremiah as the 'cuter one'. Conrad has substance. Conrad has character. Conrad is just..Conrad. Even his name is unusual, but the kind of name that rolls off your tongue just right.

Just say it out loud.


And besides, SPOILER ALERT. She marries Conrad in the end, just like how everyone predicted they will. Jeremiah is cool and all, but Belly was meant to be with Conrad. They just fit, like how you favourite pair of jeans hug your butt - they fit just snug. Not too tight, not too loose.

I know my simile prowess is amazing, I know.

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