30 Day Challenge
Found this on Tumblr :)
Right, DAY ONE. Your (or rather, my?) favourite picture of myself and one interesting fact for each year you've (I've) been alive.
I think this is ironic, considering how I survived the whole doom's day crap ;)
Right. I ain't posting no picture of myself. I have no favourites. I accept my face for what it is, and I know it will look the same regardless what angle I happen to be in.
So one interesting fact for each year I've been alive.
I've been alive for 16 years of my life because I am fortunate enough not to be born into a family of abusers. My parents are both normal in their own way; they do not deal drugs, they are not alcoholics.
I am fortunate enough to be born in the right time frame, when the Japanese occupation already past. I am fortunate enough not to be man handled by any guy..yet.
I am fortunate enough to have someone hold me back whenever I cross the road without looking and narrowly missed being killed in a road accident.
My time is not done yet. I have a life to lead.