When your Totally Hot Neighbour decides on your apartment as a hide-out from his sexual wake up and find him wearing only his underwear playing a guitar on your couch....
I'm sorry, but I will propose to you. I don't care if it'll look easy. I MEAN, COME ON! Totally Hot Guy on your couch here, in his underwear. What you should do is Christened the sofa right? RIGHT???
When you Totally Hot Neighbour spends the night...he wakes up, looks you in the eyes and says you look so beautiful in the morning, then he smiles the Innocent Smile...would you say "oh, really? *bats eyelashes*" or do you go all, "D8 MARRY ME. NOW."
I'm sorry, but I have never had a Totally Hot Neighbour before. My neighbours are girls..and the closest guy is the one living opposite my house, but he's younger than me so he doesn't count. I really need a Totally Hot Neighbour so I can go all Carly Rae on him. Except he turns out to be straight, of course. Duh. I wouldn't want a Totally Hot Gay Neighbour right?
No hate to gays, but if you are Totally Hot and you're becoming my Neighbour, I'll like you to be my Totally Hot Straight Neighbour.