
by - 11:50 AM

Oh my God. I feel like burning the pejabat right now. The people in there are the biggest turds on the face of the Earth.
You know, it would be nice if the teachers were just organised. They should plan their shit down and lay down the ground rules to us. Like for example, before you make us go through a few weeks of non stop working, it will be nice if you give us a quick idea of how you want it to be. Not wait until the we finish the damn thing, then only you go all, "oh, I don't like it the way it is now! Change it! Quick before the printer comes!"

-___- old people seem to think that Photoshop is freaking Hogwarts-technology or something. Hello, teachers. When you tell us to change something, it takes a VERY VERY VERY VERY long time to edit it. STOP CHANGING YOUR MINDS!!!

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